VR/AR Hackathon, “Creating the Future”

From the Friday the 20th to Sunday the 22nd, holding at the famous CCHub, Lagos, Nigeria was the African-wide VR/AR Hackathon that was taking place simultaneously in 7 African countries including Nigeria. The hackathon happens for over 48+ hours with 35 teams partaking throughout the African continent. The AR/VR Africa Hackathon is supported by Facebook, GitHub and Unity among others.

The teams are tasked to create innovative solutions for Education, HealthCare, Tourism, the Environment and Social Justice.

“It has been exciting to witness the growth of extended reality technologies across Nigeria and the African continent over the last 18 months. We know the journey is just beginning and we are thrilled to provide more opportunities for our communities to explore becoming creators and not just consumers of technology; and the extended reality technologies are a great place to start” said Imisi 3D founder and AR/VR Africa convener, Judith Okonkwo.

Over $15,000 (fifteen thousand dollars) worth of prizes will be awarded at the hackathons.

So let us meet the 7 Teams participating from Nigeria 👏 : 

Team 2050:

First off is a team of 3 members who are working on a virtual tourism…of planets and the solar system at large with galaxy-sized puns of steel 😆😆😆😆

This team consist of members, Ekundayo Moyo, Aror Odafe,Onwuli Chukwudumebi

Team 2050

Mood Dojo:

A team of 6 working on a mental health detector using Watson API. The team members consist of Ayoola Fasilat .B, Oyebamiji Tunde Abdfawz, Ilesanmi Olamilekan John, Ayodele Arigbabu, Jummah Mujeeb and Murawa Ighinde.

Real Connecxion: 

This is a team of 6 members, led by Todun and consist of members, Members are: Pascal Ulor, Matthew Isikume, Damilola Okelana and Boye.

Who are working on a health care solution. A VR Solution that helps in medical healthcare professional training by putting them in a like environment.

Team Bad Guys:

This is a team of 6 members led by Paul Uromi-Owu, and has team members of Lukmon — Agboola, Umeh Obinna, Aike Akhigbe and Uchenna Okiba.

Team Sleec:

This is a team of 3 members, led by Okolie Uchechukwu and consist of members, Yemisi Alabi and Tochi Okeke. They worked on a project that 

Team LeVRn:

Ajiboye Oluwatimilehin, Alade Oluwatimilehin and Ajiboye Olutade

The aim of the Hackathon is to creative innovative solutions for Africa as we have an have challenges in the defining topics of Education, HealthCare, Tourism, the Environment and Social Justice. 

These topic will be very defining in Africa needs to take the next stride towards development and growth and better well being for its Populace. Each team has access to resources to help them hack better and mentor-ship was provided in order to help them and guide them to hack better.

The Hackathon drew to an end by Sunday evening and the winners were announced


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